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Posts tagged “Alex


Excuse this tear-stained post. I am in mourning, deeply saddened, distraught, inconsolable… CROSSED. And yes, my despair swings from forlornness to fits of pure rage- inciting me to scream “WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?!”

The impetus for my fragile emotional state… you guessed; TYLER PERRY!

Anyone who follows this blog or knows my name is (or at least should be) quite familiar with my disdain for anything associated with Perry. Again, I must reiterate- I am not about tearing anyone down or dare I say “hating” on TP, but I reserve my God-given right to dislike him. I don’t get it. I don’t get him. I nearly wrecked when I saw billboards announcing the latest in the Madea travesties. How or rather who is green lighting this tripe!?

The latest calamity- Tyler Perry trumps Idris Elba in the lead role of the latest John Patterson, Alex Cross franchise film adaptation. Yes, you read right. Elba was slated to replace seasoned actor Morgan Freeman as Alex Cross in the forthcoming release, I, Alex Cross. Unbeknownst to many, when the trailer was released recently, the film stars TYLER em-effin PERRY a.k.a. MADEA as Alex Cross! Isn’t that like casting Mrs. Doubtfire as James Bond? 😐

*sobbing uncontrollably*

Sorry. I just love a good crime suspense story.  I’ve long been a fan of Patterson’s Alex Cross character and Idris Elba is one of my favorite actors. But there is absolutely nothing I can see Perry bringing to this role… but a DRESS!

SMH. All is NOT right with the world.